Christmas List 2014

It is that time of year again!  The time to rejoice about the more positive things within your life and to reflect on the things that could use a little (or a lot) of improvement. I have long ago ceased to create my own “Christmas Wish List” in favor of stepping aside and letting my little ones formulate their own ideas of what would make for an ideal Christmas. This year I thought it was time to reign in the spending and actually make a list that would benefit all (in keeping with the REAL REASON FOR THE SEASON!

  1. Treating others as we want to be treated…No one wants to be bullied, assaulted, shot, discriminated against, neglected or abused so why inflict this lingering pain on others?!?!?

  2. Less emphasis placed on the material trappings of our society

  3. More jobs available for those that are actively seeking employment…This includes Work From Home opportunities for Hands on Moms/Dads/Single Parents, employment that can actually sustain a family (NO ONE with a family can truly survive on less than $10/hour), and people with shaky credit/criminal records/etc. that want to overcome obstacles from their pasts and make something of themselves.

  4. Affordable Housing…Home ownership should be an attainable goal for EVERY FAMILY not just the wealthy.

This is by no means a fully exhaustive list.